How to install LXDE in Ubuntu or Kubuntu

ubuntuhowto | 24.4.10 | 0 comments

Hello people,

In this post i will explain how to simply install LXDE desktop environment on your Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.04. It is very easy and you need just about 10 minutes (depends on your internet connection) to install it.

Like I said in one of the previous posts Canonical was interested to put LXDE under Ubuntu development. That probably resulted in putting LXDE packages into default Ubuntu and Kubuntu repositories. I will show you how to install LXDE in Ubuntu Software center but it is very easy to do the same in other package managers.

As you probably know LXDE stands for Light X11 Desktop Environment and like that it is made to be extremely resource saving desktop environment. So if you have old computer or you just want to try this is a right thing for you. 

So lets begin.

Step 1.

One way to install LXDE is to open your Terminal/Konsole and type:

sudo apt-get install lxde

When installation is finished go to step 4.

Step 2.

If you do not like typing then go to Ubuntu Software Center/ AdeptSynapticKPackageKit or some other package manager and in search type LXDE.

After you input LXDE list of packages will be narrowed and you will see only one package for installation. Click install and let process go on.

Step 3.

After several minutes installation will be finished and you will see screen like the following one.

Now you need to close Ubuntu Package manager and to log out from your desktop. You are doing this on the same place when you want to shut down your system.

Step 4.

After you have logged out you will be returned to log in console. Beside standard inputting of your username and password you need to do one another thing.

After you click on your username you will see on the bottom of the screen Session tab where you need to pick your desktop environment.

Step 5.

Input your password and click log In and that is it. Once you are logged in you will see new GUI on your desktop. That is LXDE :)

Read more about Lubuntu or LXDE here

Enjoy and like always if you have some questions leave a comment.

Thank you for reading.

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Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of Enjoy your stay and come again.