Lubuntu and LXDE

ubuntuhowto | 25.4.10 | 0 comments


Recently i stumbled on the information about Lubuntu project and since it sounds like Ubuntu i supposed that it is another hybrid of Ubuntu, something like Mint, and i didn't pay to much attention. Today i have seen that Lubuntu is in beta 2 stage and i became interested in it.

The catch is that this is not exactly the Ubuntu hybrid but more Ubuntu with LXDE GUI instead of GNOME.


LXDE stands for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. This is the youngest of all GUIs for Linux. The main idea of this GUI is to provide the best performance on the machines with a very low resources. That means low CPU, RAM and HDD usage but great performance. If you are using Ubuntu or some other distribution and you have really old clunky machine this might be a great option to prolong it's agony :)

Like i said before Lubuntu is an Ubuntu with LXDE desktop environment. As much i read on the internet Mark Shuttleworth invited LXDE project to become self-maintained project within the Ubuntu community.

More about Lubuntu and how to install it you can see if you click here

Update: Lubuntu Beta 3 released. If you want to download it click here.

Thank you.


Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of Enjoy your stay and come again.