Opcion font manager in Ubuntu

ubuntuhowto | 1.6.10 | 1 comments

Hello dear people,

I have found some new and fresh people to give significant support to this blog. I want to say thank you guys! The first one who contributed his tutorial is {VeTeR} from Poland. More about him you can read on his website www.veter.pl He is a designer and as such he uses a lot of different fonts. For all of you in similar situation here is a very good program with a name Opcion.

Graphic artist / designer by the time their work builds library of various objects - brushes, gradients, fonts, etc. After some time the number of these objects (eg fonts) is so large that it is hard to manipulate them in a graphics program.At this point useful become tools to manage fonts on your system.I found an interesting application -free written in Java font browser.The program works both on Windows and Linux (just installed the Java Virtual Machine).

Main Opcion window  allows you to define how the text should be shown in the presentation of fonts Set Sample Text.You can also define a list of favorite fonts.

You can also browse the fonts that are not installed on your system, which are placed somewhere in a directory on disk (for example, may be in the fonts directory GIMP, which windows / linux does not see).Simply guide Opcion to font's directory and it will automatically pick all fonts from there.

You can download this program from http://opcion.sourceforge.net/ and if you speak polish you can read it directly on {VeTeR} website http://veter.pl/?p=97

In order to run this program you need to download .jar version and then to change privileges. Navigate to download directory and type:

chmod -x Opcion_v1.1.1.jar

then type:

java -jar Opcion_v1.1.1.jar

That should be it!

Thank you for reading. I hope you will like it.


Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of www.ubuntu-hot-to.com. Enjoy your stay and come again.


  1. What's the best way to add it as a launcher in the K desktop environment? I've been a gnome user for some time now and just learning to use the k desktop. Plus, I'm not so savvy with jar files. I was able to launch it from the run command in the traditional menu.