Steam brings popular games on Linux platforms

ubuntuhowto | 14.5.10 | 0 comments

Hello dear people,

I am apologizing for being absent for a while. I had a lot of personal work to do.

Recently i have found a good news that Steam, big game provider for Windows and Mac is trying to find a way to support all popular games for Linux platforms as well. Maybe one of the biggest lacks of Linux platforms is that there is not possibility to install regular world wide popular games (OK some of them you can install with Wine but that is not solution).
What Steam will try to do is to make popular titles available for Linux as well. If this happen that will launch Linux platforms right into the sky. 

Whole article you can read if you click here.

I hope they will succeed and bring to us Unreal tournament, Counter strike, Half-life and all other favorite games.



Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of Enjoy your stay and come again.