Install games and programs with Playdeb and Getdeb!

ubuntuhowto | 22.4.10 | 0 comments

Hello people,

Lot of newbies probably do not know that there is a place on the internet from which you can install program directly on your computer. Also there are a lot of you who know about this but you have never tried it before. 

It is a very easy and smart system which offers latest programs and games versions. It is just one click away from you. It is also important to say that this system has some bug when you are using Firefox. I am using Google Chrome and it works just perfect. 

If you want to install latest programs versions go to

Click on the installation instructions so you can add repository in your source list.

Pay attention on notice that Kubuntu users may experience some problems and i can tell you that on Firefox there are certain problems. After you add repository in your source list all you need to do is to visit again find the program you like and click install :)

That is it. Very simple and easy program installation in Ubuntu or Kubuntu.

For gamers

There is a similar website like but only for gamers and games. :) If you want to see and download various games for Ubuntu and Kubuntu go to

Procedure for installation is the same like on getdeb and only thing you need to do is to add repository and click install on desirable games :)

It is also good to know that whenever you update your system you will receive latest updates for all programs you installed with playdeb and getdeb. This is good because sometimes official repositories need some time to become up-to-date.

Enjoy in video games and programs, 

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Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of Enjoy your stay and come again.