KDE 4.5 Beta 1 released

ubuntuhowto | 28.5.10 | 2 comments

Hello everybody,

Good news for all KDE fans! KDE 4.5 Beta 1 has been released. At this moment it is not in Kubuntu repositories so i didn't have a chance to test it. In this version accent will be on polishing and stability and according to KDE website some new features will be added - new Kwin features, remake of notification areas, some windows management and other things. Complete information you can find if you click here


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Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of www.ubuntu-hot-to.com. Enjoy your stay and come again.


  1. Anonymous says:

    why isnt it in the kubuntu beta ppa?
    canonical sucks at KDE

  2. I found somewhere on their website, they said:"It will be when we say so". :)