What is GNOME, KDE and XFCE

ubuntuhowto | 6.4.10 | 0 comments

Hello again,

Probably many times you have heard about GNOME, KDE and XFCE terms. On the beginning i was quite confused thinking that there is some super difference in each of these. Well since there are all GUI for Linux there is only visual and organizational difference. It is also good to know that some Linux distributions rather prefer to KDE over GNOME and opposite and usually most of them have both GUIs.

In order to understand me better read following lines.


GNOME 2.28 on Ubuntu desktop 9.10
GNOME is an acronym of GNU Network Object Model Environment which is composed entirely on open-source software. Gnome was built in 1997. like independent project which should compete KDE and its dependency on QT. Main characteristic of GNOME are two system panels - one on the bottom and the other one on the top. In the line on the top there is a menu from which on you are starting your programs, acquiring system menu and accessing various partitions. In the too left corner you will find network icon, volume slider, bluetooth icon, date and time and power button. On the other side, in the bottom line you will see programs that you are running, desktop icon, desktop changer icon and trash can icon. It is important to add that you can modified this panels so you can put the top one on the bottom and opposite in order to please your test.

Many GNOME fans will say that the GNOME is more stable, faster, smoother and of course more functional. There is a lot of programs for GNOME GUI and you can recognize some of them by their names which start with the letter g. GNOME is a default GUI for Ubuntu distribution.


KDE 4.4.2. on Kubuntu 9.10
KDE is acronym which stands for K Desktop Environment and is another GUI for Linux OSs but you can also install it on Windows, Mac and Solaris. It is invented a year before GNOME in 1996. Main difference between these two is in the first place in default panels position. KDE has only one on the bottom and looks more on Windows in spite of GNOME where you have two of them. In KDE you can also modify this by adding another panels. The biggest difference is in the general feeling. 

KDE is giving a lot on appearance and most of it's fans will tell you that it is much more prettier then GNOME, more user friendly, that it has better programs etc. If you ask me i would definitely agree. Latest KDE updates are confirming the direction to where KDE is headed. 

There are many programs natively made for KDE and community works all the time on new ones. Most of this programs you can recognize by letter K in the name of it. KDE is default GUI for Kubuntu distribution. 


XFCE 4.4
XFCE stands for XForms Common Environment and is a third most popular GUI for Linux OSs. It aims to be lightweight and fast and is generally used like GUI for older machines since it is not that CPU, Video and RAM demanding. So if you were thinking about throwing your old PC think once again because Linux with XFCE will make it young again. Xubuntu is Canonical's product based on XFCE GUI but it is not typical because desktop looks like GNOME and native XFCE is more like KDE arranged.

That is it generally. I know that somebody will say that this is to simplified but generally that is the difference if we exclude some technicalities. It is also very important to mention that all of these GUIs are highly customizable. That means you can adjust it in the way that suits you best.

Thank you for reading this article.

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