We're Linux video project winners!

ubuntuhowto | 21.4.10 | 0 comments

Hello people,

Maybe some of you can recall video competition under the name "We're Linux". That was a project with a purpose to popularize Linux through video expression. Well after a while people from Linux Foundation have brought decision and here are three winners:

I prize: http://video.linuxfoundation.org/video/1696
II prize: http://video.linuxfoundation.org/video/1683
III prize: http://video.linuxfoundation.org/video/1687

More text you can find on Amanda McPherson's blog. To read whole text click here

Watch it and comment. Enjoy in Linux videos.


Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of www.ubuntu-hot-to.com. Enjoy your stay and come again.