GNOME update 2.30 released!

ubuntuhowto | 6.4.10 | 0 comments

Hi all GNOME fans,

New GNOME update is out and running. Since v2.29 was a bit "strange and wild" looks like this update will bring some improvements after all. If you are using Karmic Koala then updates are not yet in the repositories but Lucid lynx users will be able to update right now.

There are many improvements and new things and some of them are:
- View More Files with Nautilus
- Improved Epiphany
- East Syncing Tomboy notes
- New features in Accessibility
- Improvements in The Evince document viewer and many other thing.

More info you can find if you click here.

Good news is that six months from now on the light of the day new GNOME 3.0 should come. GNOME fans some rumors say that this will be trilling experience.

Thank you for reading this post!


Saša Rakezić: My name is Saša Rakezić. Known as Raka. I'm administrator of Enjoy your stay and come again.